Thursday, July 17, 2008

Please welcome our newest addition!

Rita Senier is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Schwinn Cycling Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, business owner and mother of three. Rita is an avid runner and in 2006, ran and completed the Boston Marathon.

“Working at the BAC as a trainer is very exciting to me and I hope I can pass on my fitness knowledge, skills and experience not only to my clients but also to any member who may need some assistance. I have a great passion for fitness and how the human body reacts to exercise. I am looking forward to the many challenges ahead.” Her clients include stay at home moms, business professionals, students, cancer patients, athletic teams and the Braintree Fire Department.

Rita received her Exercise Science skills and schooling from Dr. Wayne Westcott, PhD. “It was truly a once in a lifetime experience to be taught personally by one of the most respected and knowledgeable fitness experts in the country.”

Rita's special focus is group training, especially women. Being 42 and the mother of three children is an accomplishment on its own. Getting back into shape on her own after each child is something she is proud of and also something she can pass along as inspiration to other women. With hard work, dedication and determination, goals can be achieved.

"Give me a fitness challenge, so I can challenge you back!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rita is awesome! She's just the person to see if you need your butt kicked. She has a vast knowledge of multiple techniques and exercises; workouts are never completely the same. Most importantly, Rita is extremely motivating and fun to train with. She will give you the encouragement you need mentally as she helps transform your body physically. I have never been happier or come this close to my fitness goals... Rita ROCKS!